Your words paint the desert beautiful
Your words paint the desert beautiful
My words pierces your soul hopeful
These letters of passion
I need to see you again.
Mind whirl in great gusts of love
Fantasies so sweet, seduce me, I am devoid of all fear.
Embrace the fate, I promise you my soul to death—
An odyssey between us — don't worry, I will
surpass any mere frontier.
Letters to my love, I hope they are read by our children.
And when do we expect? Her name shall be Aliyah;
She, true to name, will rule ethical.
I can hear it now, the chorus speaks to me,
their chant marks our play 'Fin'
So let us celebrate our communion in grand spectacle.
My dear Queen Salome, conquer this by my side
I will solve your ills; deliver your people to peace
Don't worry about it takes, you are my bride
I will never let such sin sully our feasts
I eagerly await your word —
yet you have not replied
I grow anxious; my letters have long been gone
A threat in my mail? No! This cannot be; is just more pride —
have I confused the dark dusk for a dewed predawn?
NO no no... Yes — these are mere delusions.
Oh god, yes ... the truth is clear to see, I am a wholehearted fool.
I send another — she loves my words — I can't help but add to this mess
Please stop, no more — this castle burns from your Ill-passioned fuel.
Accept it, all this, the dance is just in your head
You have sullied your honor, now face the shame
Hurricane in your soul; she's gone with the wind
Suffer your fate — you are alone. Too much you have proclaimed
I give you add you peace
I see I have no lease
Adieu, adieu, adieu...
I must not dream of you,
My fantasy, my fire, my beautiful rue ——
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