Hope to Dream
To my teenage self,
Sixty years ago,
Doctor Martin Luther King
Was a distant voice,
To a troubled nation,
That violence begets violence,
And all prosperity
Is rooted in peace.
His voice still rings
Like an ancient bell
In a Bible story.
Doctor King
Had a dream,
And all God’s children,
Were in that dream,
And of that dream,
As Leonard Cohen said,
Is the only engine of survival.
When I examine myself
For understanding of the Earth
In these times,
I am all but lost,
Upon a stormy ocean of events,
Impossible to ignore.
The truth
I can not find,
Nor escape the chains of doubt
In my fellow man.
I think,
The past
Is never to be bygone,
Nor forgotten
Much less forgiven.
The truth of history
Weighs upon us all
Like chains.
If we can’t untangle ourselves,
And all we can do
Is live with the scars,
That would be something
To hope for,
To dream of even,
In Doctor Kings name:
Hope to dream together
Of bygones
Not forgotten,
Forgiven by God alone
If even He
Can pardon the chains
My people placed
On yours.
If never forgotten
Or forgiven,
Calling down a miracle together,
Even Black and White
Might hope to dream yet,
In Doctor King’s name,
Hope to dream
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